
Wednesday, December 29, 2004


If there's one thing that man should fear, it is the wrath of God. While watching the news about the recent quakes that shocked the nations, my mom made an interesting comment, "Even people don't fear terrorist attacks like they fear these natural disasters." Why? Because these disasters are uncontrollable by man and man fear powers that they can't control nor predict. Watching those waves slam the shores, towering the palm trees and sweeps away helpless children. In a way, it's pretty fascinating but it really humbles our pride. Of all men's accomplishments, yet none can stop the might of those waves. We are nothing. For all the sin that consumed the world, we as Christians should get our hearts right before God. I believe none of us would wanna see God cry again (not that He would anyway). Oh God of all creation, we stand in awe of Your works. Cleanse our hearts and wash our sins away.

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