
Thursday, December 02, 2004

understanding? woah... slow down

If I thought not being able to settle my ATM card was sucky, I was wrong. Woke up early in the morning (9.40am to be exact), went to church to prepare the stuffs for the game. Made some minor changes in our plans and stuff. It's funny how blurr Jem (as in Jeremy) can be at sometimes. Actually, he's blurr all the time, but that's juz what makes him so unique~

Me : Okay, agree arr~
Jem : Yeah~
Me : So you understand or not?
Jem : I guess so... But how are we gonna do that if you change this?
Me : *sigh* That's was what we were discussing about juz now.........
Jem : Oh yea heh?! *laughs innocently*

What a cute kid. Whew~ Thinking about that lighten up my mood a lil'. Well, actually I was about yap about how my evening went. I went out with SP today and the original plan was to watch Alexander: The Great Gay Conqueror. Okay, watching movie is always a great idea, but I felt kinda uncomfortable when she told me that one of my junior and his gf will be tagging along. Don't ask me why, but I've this negative look on all my juniors that's younger than me by 1 year. Reluctantly, I said okay. So it was on. After doing all I had to do for the day, I took the car and went to fetch SP. Knowing that I'll have to do other "side-jobs" along the way, I prepared myself for anything and true enough, instead of heading straight to MP, I had to drop off baby Shaun at Wan Ping's crib. Not a problem. Went there, waited for SP to unload everything into her house. The rain didn't give an encouraging atmosphere.

Done? Good~

Head off to MP. Now here's the low-blow: SP told me that she hasn't book the tickets and we maybe can't watch the show because her friend's bf hasn't arrive yet. In fact, he's on the way back from KL. Great... Not a problem. Patience is a virtue and so patience has been granted. Waited, and waited, and waited. Some choir at the concourse filled the time for us. Finally he called and told us he's here but it was too late, the show was over. The only alternative was to go have our dinner. Went to Amigos, which to me, was the dumbest place to eat because the food here sux and the prices are worse than Sushi King. Not a problem. Dinner was fine till one point when I was talking to SP and she began acting childishly, which really put me right off. But still, I had patience. I understood her mentality pretty well and had to stoop down to her level of maturity. Luckily, I had alot of practice back in Kid's Church. Not a problem.

*thanx for helping me pass time*

The night was still young; very young in fact. So the next best thing was pool. No, not the one you swim in, it's the one where you use a long cylinder/cone shaped wood to knock some ballz into the hole. Yeah, that one. Since my mood wasn't really good, I accidentally let it all out on my junior who bragged about playing pool very well. Trashed him pretty well, though I haven't played in such a long time. Left his broken body and pride laying to waste on the floor as I mock him with my eviiil laugh, "Bwahahahahahaa~!!"

*laugh fades...*

*no words..*

Sometimes I wonder if I ever will truely understand SP. I mean, yeah sure, being sampat is fine, but where's that level of maturity for that age? Look at Sandra, she's one hellofva sampat gal, but she's much more matured. One thing's for sure, she doesn't understand me. *sigh* Thank God the bible has all the answers~

*everything will live, wherever the river goes..*

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