
Friday, June 10, 2005

the prick

I dunno what's your problem mann. As far as I know, we've been trying to accommodate your every never-ending nonsense that really never seems to come to an end.

You "punish" yourself with pathetic self-pity sorrows and blame others for consequences of your mistakes. You take everything given to you with love for granted.

You don't bother to appreciate those who, though are going through very difficult times, they give you what little they have to help you. Not a thank you. Not a "Hi, just dropping by to see you". Not even a "Hi" for that matter.

You selfish prick!!

You are disappointed with me? WE are disappointed with YOU. You rant on aimlessly on how you should've been there to prevent it when you're not even there to support us.

The worst part is that we can't hate you. Oh no, we can't. Why? Because we love you. It's because of this absolute love that we are bonded by that we can't hate you. It even limits our anger towards you.

From anger to compassion. From disappointment to hope. Why can't you see that WE LOVE YOU!! Why do you take that for granted? Why do you choose such a life? Does others mean so much more than us to you? If so, then I've nothing to say and I shall, as usual, take my leave. I love you.

great pics mark!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wat happen? wat cause u seems sad&disappointed?

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