
Thursday, July 21, 2005

data structure puncture

under skinned knees and skid marks

I sat for my Data Structure & Algorithm test paper at 8pm earlier. A lot of people was really sure I would do well in this test, but honestly, that's what scares me. I mean like, they treat me like I'm some smart guy with all the answers. I don't like that title, I really don't. If only they knew the "old me" back in my MHS days, you'd be completely freaked out - no kidding.

I'm not smart. I admit it. With that you can understand why I don't like being labeled so. Just think about it, would you like someone to label you with something you're not? Irritating, no?

Data Struct test wasn't as tough as I expected it to be but I was careless nonetheless. If Ms Shyamala didn't point out that mistake of mine, I would've lost a whole bunch of precious marks. Ahaks~ You see, it really pays off when you have such an awesome lecturer. I've always felt that I made a good choice to ditch Ms Gan and ping'ed to Ms Shyamala's group. After all, she did give me rather good grades for my last sems' Program Design. Thanx a bunch~

Unfortunately, some people struggle to keep their heads in the test today. I mean like, they were under so much pressure, you would think that they went nuts from their facial expression. Poor poor people.

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poor-cute psycho gal

im not okay.. i swear, im not okay.. *sigh*

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