
Monday, October 18, 2004

midy termy

*a poor gal who suffered much from mid-term of mmu*

Ahh yes.. It's been what? 2 days? 3 days? How long, I don't know, but it feels good to be typing my blog again. Wahahaha~ The previous week was really a bad one for me. Me as in ME; spiritually, emotionally and study wise. I've been so drained from these 3 important elements in my life. I haven't been keeping up my walk with God. Even fell a few times, which is, in case you're one of those blurr sotong people, real bad. Emotionally... Well... What can I say about that huh? I'd probably get laughed at. It's weird how your heart plays with you. When something that keeps bugging you over and over again, you just feel like shouting out loud. And with that, somehow, I've failed in the "patience" part of a relationship. Hahahah~ I'm still looking for a way to apologize. Sad but true, I don't really apologize well. In study wise, this semester has really stretched me thin - REAL thin. A 3 to 4 months subject taught to a bunch of students in less than 2 months. Insanity is the only sane response.. I score fairly well for my CGPA with only 3.49, which is to me, a bit low. I'm pressured by my parents to score higher to get the scholarship that I need so much. Sux I tell ya.. It sux..


I know I have to get back in track with everything. Yesterday, church was amazing. Though in my family, only my dad and I went, I still had a great time there. The warmth of friends and sermons echoes in the walls of my mind. I knew the only friends that I could ever trust in my life, are my church friends - my brothers and sisters in Christ. The song Burn from Planet Shakers kept on playing in my heart. Awesome feeling.. I'm even smiling right now. Sampat rite? That's Andrew Liu to you. As for SP, I'm planning to make her a card with what little time I have. Monday, exam. Tuesday, work at 5pm. Wednesday, full house. Thursday, meeting with Ps Sam. Friday? My only chance.. On Saturday and Sunday, I'll be on my Youth's "mini-camp". In fact, I have to plan some team-building game with a moral value behind it. *sigh* I've told them over and over, I'm not good with games! But nooo... No one listens to Angry Andrew. Hahaha~ Oh well.. The feeling of having her staying mad at me is killin'! Real killer killin' thingie.. As for MMU studies? I'm trying to get my notes arranged (it's a little too late for that.. i know.. i know..) and get project finished. Freakin tiring!

Oh Dear Lord.. Let all glory and honor be unto You, Lord Jesus. In this time of my weakness, I need Your strength Lord. Your strength is perfect in my weakness. So fill me in and lift me up. Give me Your wisdom and knowledge and understanding to tackle the challenges I face. Together, I know You're walking with me. And for that, I thank You once again my Lord God. I pray all this in Your name O Lord, the One and Only, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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