
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

when the library calls

*note: real picture.. no kidding*

Dusty and ancient, MMU's library stands as a... standing? monument? baby? Okay~ So I can't say it like how Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery who has a card that says "International Man Of Mystery" on it. Hahahahah~ Can't get enough of that show. lame.....

Anyway, back to my story. I'm a guy who remembers better in class when the lecturer lectures than studying from notes on my own. But due to several undisclosed reasons, I knew I had to study for my Operating Systems test today. Failing to understand 100% what the lecturer was teaching, I had to resort to my last resort. Studying with my comrades.

Sounds weird? Of course larr~ Since I hardly go to the library. Read - ancient. So after eating dinner. The group of us went to the top floor of MMU's library to study for our OS which would start at 8.30pm. Not wanting to go unprepared, we looked out for every possible questions that could come out. Nothing was left out of our sight. Papers were being passed around, questions thrown at each other, our memories tested. It was something unusual indeed.

So the time of trial has come. It was 8.30pm and in the sky was a half-full moon. All of us sat confidently in our seats. Held our pens firmly and our heads high. Unfortunately, things weren't always smooth. Thinking we knew everything, we were being bashed up by questions that we've never seen before! We knew one thing for sure - we were doomed.

Our pride shattered like a broken glass, cutting the feet that walks over it. Like a thorn in the flesh, causing discomfort and pain. Like the spinach between your teeth that makes you feel like punching your own face till everything is crushed. Yea~ That's the feeling.

1 comment:

serene said...

wah..sumbody very studious ar...ahha...can sit so QUIET in the library STUDY summo...fuyoo haha...well nice one...take care thx alot 4 helping...God bless!!

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