
Thursday, August 25, 2005

same but not alike?

I hate losing, everyone does. But it's more than just losing that drives me nuts, it's losing things that makes me go bonkers, even more when that certain thing is expensive. *sigh* As if losing my memory isn't bad enough, losing my stuff and blaming it on my memory is even worse. Maybe I didn't get better after all, my memory is just as poor as it was before.. I dunno.. I can't remember.
I'm a loser.. *sad...*

i've got it wrong today

Guess I'm have to buy a new one before he finds out. I'm not afraid of getting scolding and stuff, I just don't want him to get pressured. My family's finance isn't exactly doing well and news like this isn't gonna help. To make things worse, my bank is getting dryer by the moment and now I'm gonna have to fork out RM130 for another one of those. SOMEONE FILL MY BANK!!... please? Ahaks~ Wait.. That wasn't funny.

rolling the clouds?

If only Stef would read this post, update hers and one day, just simply hands me a RM1000 note, just like that. Ahhh~ What a day that would be.. What a day that would be..

if(time == money)
      money = root_of_all_evil;
            while(andrew!=money ; andrew!=dead ; own_a_car==0)
                  andrew != time;
                  andrew != evil;
                  andrew = good;

      cout<<"Andrew not guai! Andrew naughty boii!";

How true can that be eh?? Bleh~ My programming sux! Ahahahahaha~ My other coursemates are better.

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city girl, kampung boy - what a match

Though I should be very sad and depressed about losing that thing (no Philip, im not talking about my virginity), I am feeling rather happy. Maybe it was because of the fun I had the previous night, or it could be that "our tongue is like a double-edge sword" talk I had last night too. *smiles* I dunno but I'm feeling okay - till I withdraw more money from my bank account and check out how much cash I have left in there. Aaaaa~ Fill my bank, fill my bank, fill my bank~!

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